A Libra Who Finds It Hard to Be Happy Again

Astrology tin can help u.s. understand more near ourselves and the people we love/date/hopelessly crush on—no matter their gender. For more deets on Libra compatibility, check out our guide to dating a Libra woman and our gender-neutral guide to dating a Libra.

In that location are merely a few basics that need to be explored when you first start dating someone. Where is he from? What does he do for a living? Oh, and virtually definitely, when's his birthday? This isn't simply for remembering when to send that "happy b-solar day :)" text! Knowing a potential boo'due south zodiac sign tin really help in understanding his beliefs. Star divination helps u.s.a. break down personality traits, pet peeves, and, yeah, even dating patterns. It tin be fun and informative to await up his sign and meet how yours works with his.

If you're dating, Insta sleuthing (hello, guilty), or but fantasizing over a Libra man, we're here to help you navigate one of the most alluring signs. These complex beings are stylish, flirtatious, and charming AF—in fact, they're so mannerly information technology'southward sometimes hard to tell what they're actually thinking. And TBH, they might not even know! Libras are notoriously indecisive, later all.

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Luckily, star divination allows us to decipher personality traits, pet peeves, and and then much more. And trust me when I say, there is sooo much more to a Libra man than you lot initially realized.

So if your guy was born between September 23 and October 22, you're in for a care for. Libras make life experience special, just as it goes with any sign, there are some things yous may want to keep an center out for. Read on because we've got the tea on all things Libra!

The Libra Basics

Altogether: September 23 to Oct 22

Modality: Cardinal

Element: Air

Ruling planet: Venus

Represented by: The scales

Keywords: Romantic, mannerly, intellectual, flirtatious, polite, indecisive, diplomatic, social, creative, creative, gossipy, smart

Dear canticle: "Osculation You," by I Direction

Famous Libra men: Donald Glover, Zac Efron, Ryan Reynolds, Volition Smith, John Mayer, Snoop Dogg, Hugh Jackman, John Krasinski, Matt Damon, Nick Cannon, Bruce Springsteen, Bruno Mars, Conductor, Lil Wayne, Tyler Posey

The Best Matches for a Libra Man

Peppery Leo is a smashing match for Libra! Leos' artistic nature is fascinating to Libras, and both love to exist gushy when it comes to romance. For like reasons, Aries is a slap-up match for Libra, too. Sure, they're technically opposite signs, simply Aries is unique, upbeat, and a cardinal sign simply like Libra, and then the ii of them are never bored with each other.

Libra also vibes well with beau air signs Gemini and Aquarius. They are all quick-witted, playful, curious, and just get each other. And similar Libra, Taurus is ruled past Venus, so these signs share a love of pleasure and beauty—they're probably the most stylish couple around (and have an incredible sexual activity life besides).

The Worst Matches for a Libra Man

A Libra might find it a bit harder to become forth with a Capricorn—Caps are merely and then serious, while Libras want to accept fun! Caps also love to programme ahead—like, creating a v. detailed fifteen-year-plan—while Libras tend to be a bit more spontaneous, then you lot'll accept to find a rest (which is Libra'due south affair, anyway).

Also, emotional Cancer might find Libra to be and so people-pleasing that they're inauthentic, while Libra might think Cancer need to lighten upwards a scrap—and then Libra should try to exist their well-nigh authentic cocky with Cancer, and Cancer should strive to be less judgmental of how Libra might human activity different means with different friend groups—they're just naturally diplomatic and know how to fit in!

Astrological incompatibility doesn't mean that you can't have an ah-mazing human relationship though—you might only accept to put in a fleck more effort to really understand each other, and find a compromise to meet each other's needs. If you're a Cap or a Cancer, yous tin nevertheless vibe with a Libra—especially if your Moon signs or other parts of your birth chart are compatible. And TBH, ~astrological tension~ can likewise lead to ~sexual tension~, so in that location's something to be said for "incompatibility"!

Sexual practice With a Libra

Libra is ruled by Venus, which is the planet of love, beauty, and pleasance. Translation: They're super romantic and incredible in bed. They also take foreplay just as seriously equally sex activity itself—they dear teasing their partners. Libras are also very ~visual~ people, so they appreciate it when you dress upward for them (in lingerie, yes, only also just in a hot AF fit), live for nudes (both sending and receiving—there'southward no dingy laundry on the floor in the backgrounds of their dick pics!), and might fifty-fifty paint an artistic nude portrait of you, Leonardo-DiCaprio-in-Titanic-fashion.

BTW, in star divination, Libra rules the kidneys, pare, and buttocks, sooooo your Libra guy may be five. into butt stuff—giving or receiving or both. Have fun and don't forget the lube!

All About Libra

Libra is the seventh sign of the zodiac, and like the ready of scales they're represented past, Libras have an innate sense of residual and strive for harmony. They're also motivated to start conversations and instigate action in social settings, thanks to being a cardinal sign. Your Libra man is an expert communicator, always knowing the perfect affair to say in whatever situation to come up off as diplomatic, tactful, and charismatic. He'll make y'all laugh and become besties with your besties. And he's definitely the guy you lot want to have abode to meet the 'rents, and you'll exist confident they'll love him.

Libra is one of ii signs ruled by Venus, planet of beloved, pleasure, and relationships. Libra, being an air sign, is filled to the brim with romantic thoughts and loves to share them. He has a soft, gentle, and nonthreatening Venusian vibe, with great gustation in fashion and fine art to boot. He usually moves in a graceful manner, but when the balance is off, it is off! If he's defenseless off guard or surprised, his demeanor immediately becomes clumsy and nervous! Honestly, though, it's kind of cute.

He's the best guy for finding a silvery lining to every cloud, no thing how dark or stormy information technology appears to exist.

Libras are known to be indecisive, weighing every option very advisedly to notice the best one before making a delivery. This tin can be a hassle sometimes, but it stems from his open up-mindedness and willingness to find a solution. He'south the all-time guy for finding a silver lining to every cloud, no matter how dark or stormy it appears to be. His natural optimism is ane of the main reasons he's such a peachy partner to have—he e'er has the perfect advice to give, ice billow to strike up a conversation, or witty one-liner to make the whole room laugh.

The Most Libra-y Libra T-Shirt

Being the sign of relationships, your Libra guy is hella social and has a ton of friends, but everything you practise is as a partnership. He's and so relationship-focused that it could feel as if you're joined at the hip sometimes, just he also turns every outing into an exciting and romantic experience with his charm and silliness. He truly treats you as an equal (if not someone amend than him) and is super all-around, especially when it comes to the bedroom. Non merely is he putting your needs before his, but he's also open up to kinks and new positions. Diverseness is the spice of life for him, and he'll try anything once.

Yous're obsessed with all things astro. Aforementioned. Never miss a retrograde with Cosmo Unlocked.

His fun-loving, flexible nature can become abrasive, however, when you feel like he's actually inconsistent. Libras tin come off as shallow and uncommitted in the early stages of dating—he can be your Romeo at kickoff merely then ghost you in the glimmer of an middle. Then right when you call up he'southward over you lot, he's dorsum, charming as e'er and acting as if he never went anywhere. He's open up-minded and openhearted, which tin be a adept thing if you're actually dating him, merely when he'due south too busy debating if he actually likes you or not to commit, he tin can put y'all through a lot emotionally.

His ability as a principal wordsmith is a huge asset but likewise potentially his worst trait.

Geminis take the reputation as the zodiac's most two-faced sign, simply Libra is more than than capable of stealing that title! He changes his tone and mannerisms in order to be well liked past anybody around him. His ability as a master wordsmith is a huge asset just also potentially his worst trait, as his words drip with honey when he's with a oversupply simply his silver tongue can turn sharp if the two of you get into an statement. He'll rebalance eventually and go back to being sweetness, simply you might non move on as easily.

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In one case you lot lock downward a committed relationship with a Libra (which is half the piece of work, honestly), the real challenge is handling his need to please and trend to talk for hours. He's a chatterbox who can frazzle someone who thrives in silence, especially when he presents a dilemma, asks your stance, challenges it until you hold with him, and expects y'all to defend his original opinion! It's a crazy trip the light fantastic toe yous have to go along up with, merely information technology's all lighthearted banter to him. Entertain his love for conversation, indulge him in his demand for romance, and exist patient with his indecisiveness if y'all desire to enjoy the pluses of dating a Libra!

Follow Jake on Instagram.

Jake Annals (better known by his Instagram handle, @jakesastrology) is a Libra and the writer of Cosmopolitan's weekly Sexoscopes.

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Source: https://www.cosmopolitan.com/sex-love/a25605915/libra-man-personality-traits/

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